Residential Cleaning

Residential cleaning services guarantee that your house remains safe and free from dangerous bacteria, dirt, and filth. Keeping a clean and welcoming living space includes doing regular chores, like vacuuming, dusting, sanitizing, and mopping.

Kitchen Appliance Cleaning

Kitchen Appliance Cleaning

Kitchen appliances must be sanitized and maintained to safeguard your health and prevent germ and bacteria growth. Cleaning kitchen gadgets might be difficult, but here comes Alta Dubai to manage your kitchen appliance cleaning services.

  • Comprehensive cleaning of the refrigerator by removing all the drawers and shelves
  • Deep cleaning of the oven
  • Stove top and burner knobs cleaning
  • Extensive microwave cleaning
  • Dishwasher cleaning
  • Stainless-Steel Appliances Cleaning

Latest Technology and Equipment Used

At Alta, we take cleaning to the next level by employing the latest technology and equipment to get your space clean and hygienic. Discover our approach to impeccable cleanliness.

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Get in touch with one of our professionals.

Alta Facilities Management LLC is one of the leaders in delivering professional cleaning services, specializing in end-to-end upkeep services, and defining cleanliness with tailored solutions.

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